本试剂盒利用独特的裂解液裂解病毒释放DNA/RNA,经硅胶膜离心柱特异吸附,有效地纯化病毒DNA/RNA。 适用于从≤200 μl血浆、血清、全血、组织匀浆液、无细胞体液、鼻咽或口咽抽吸物或洗液、肺泡灌洗液、气管吸 出物和痰液 、鼻咽或口咽拭子、培养动物细胞上清中提取病毒DNA/RNA。提取的DNA/RNA纯度高,适用于PCR, RT- PCR,qPCR,qRT-PCR等实验。
使用TransGen及Company TA产品,从感染非洲猪瘟 (ASFV) 的猪血清中提取DNA后,以不同倍数稀释DNA为模板,qPCR法分析提取效果。
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3 Wang Y, Luo W, Wang X, et al. MAMDC2, a gene highly expressed in microglia in experimental models of Alzheimers Disease, positively regulates the innate antiviral response during neurotropic virus infection[J]. Journal of Infection, 2022.(IF 38.63)
4 Lu S, Luo S, Liu C, et al. Induction of significant neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 by a highly attenuated pangolin coronavirus variant with a 104nt deletion at the 3'-UTR[J]. Emerging Microbes & Infections, 2023.(IF 19.56)